What’s up, Doc…?

Enough on the Drugs. Kids are either suffering or harming others incessantly.

Yee Haw…

The black cross on the original confederate flag, represents black persons, on fire, flailing as if in Times Square, at lunchtime, years ago, for this fans oxygen to the flames, making the orange tint even brighter…

Common sense…

If your mind becomes your talent, your greatest achievements will always lie ahead.

The Hawkins. Dietary System…

The Hawkins survival guide for a Healthier You, Inside and Out: 1. Drink water. No soda, less sugar in juices, less milk, no bread, only egg whites, no butter, less dairy, cheese only on salad. 2. No sweet tooth. Pie, Cake, cookies, we all cheat on it, but only if you walk, or excercise at…

Short, Sweet & Honest!!!

Former President and Patriarch, Barrack Hussein O’Bama, for 8 years, has distributed jobs, released minority prisoners of non-violent and bogus sentences, provided faith, not fear, returned our heroes home…

Why Masturbate,…?

What is the ethical war on masturbation about? First of all, as a human being, to master something that causes no one else any harm should be either applauded or encouraged as a peaceful concept…

“White Women Today,…All Women Always…”

I also remember the stories of my Ancestors, little girls particularly, both African and Native, being stolen and returned less a head…we depend therefore on our women, the main purpose for the Milky Way, to keep order and compassion through gentle approaches and the teaching of the powers of…compassion.